Quality policy
„Quality is not by chance, it is always the result of conscious human work”
The consequence of such a formulated motto is harmonious cooperation of the company’s Board of Directors with a competent crew, aware of their role and the need for creative involvement.
Our primary and strategic goal is to provide products that guarantee full customer satisfaction.
A key element of our policy is the professional preparation of Employees to achieve the set goals and take on new challenges by our company. All Employees are convinced of the need to perform professionally the tasks and duties entrusted to them. The quality policy has been communicated to and accepted for application by all Employees. Evaluation of its effective implementation is carried out by the company’s Management Board during periodic and ad hoc management reviews.
The goals we set for ourselves are:
- continuous monitoring of legal requirements, requirements of our customers and others
- continuous improvment of communication with customers and other organizations
- continuous monitoring of the quality of supplies and cooperation with suppliers
- conducting production process and services under supervised conditions
- planned and systematic activities aimed at improving the quality of our products and services provided
- introduction of technical progress and rational working methodsy
- competent and trained personnel involved in the implementation of quality objectives
- continuous improvement of the Quality Management System
The Board of Directors of the company declares the provision of resources for the implementation of the objectives set by the Quality Policy in the form of necessary human, material and financial resources.
The assumptions of the Quality Policy are realized by the implemented and systematically improved Quality Management System, which meets the requirements of the PN-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard.